Financial Success Secret

George Clason wrote this timeless classic in 1926 and it is as true and relevant today as it was 95 years ago. It might just as well be titled “The Secret to Being Wealthy!” Today there are countless “gurus” to follow, like Dave Ramsey, Robert Kiyosaki, Suze Ormond….and most are relatively sound. Whatever you choose to read, or whomever you follow, the important thing is to exercise discipline and follow the principles, consistently, over a long period of time.


You must learn to live on less than you make! No other way. Of course, if you make $7.50 per hour and have a family of three to support, this is very difficult. Supporting those same three on $80,000 is a lot easier. If you want to be wealthy, comfortable, or have financial peace, ever, you must find a way. If your $7.50 per hour doesn’t cover the bills, you have to lower your bills and/or increase your income. This may mean seeking a better job, a promotion, a raise, or getting a second job, or maybe a third. However you get there, you must put back at least 10%, (I suggest 15%) for your future. That may mean eating bologna for breakfast and beans and rice for dinner, for a while. There are methods you can follow to reduce your debt, then save and invest for your future. Choose one of the above, or ask me and I will help, but you must form a plan and stick to it.


Remember, any recipe will produce a better cake than no recipe at all. It is the same for your “PLAN” for your finances. You can find countless stories of building wealth from nothing. Some are fictional ones like in Clason’s book. Other stories are real like Oseola McCarty’s, a sixth grade drop-out who washed clothes for a living, and gave the University of Southern Mississippi a gift of $150,000. Grab a book, search the web, or email me for help. The secret is you must start your story today. Financial success is one decision away.

“A Leader Is,” my interview with C L Bryant

“He put his rough hewn finger in my face and he said, “Sonny, …I didn’t go through all that I went through so that you could be black. I went through all that I went through so that you could be free; free to go places I’ll never go, free to do things I’ll never do, but above all, free to speak your mind.”” Charlie Hanson was the grandfather of C L Bryant, an illiterate black man in rural Louisiana in the 1960’s. He was also a successful and respected business owner who hired blacks and whites, and one of the men who infused C L Bryant with the traits that has made him a leader locally and nationally.

C L has owned and run businesses, led large and small churches as a pastor, has a national radio show and produced a thoughtful and poignant documentary film. “I had parents, father and mother, who made me understand that I was just as valuable as anyone else.” His grandfather, his parents, and his spiritual mentor, Dr. E Edward Jones of the Galilee Baptist Church in Shreveport, Louisiana, helped him find his direction and his calling. This aligns with Mr. Bryant’s definition of leadership, “That’s a leader; a leader is confident of his call, his purpose, and his direction.”

That type of parenting is often missing in today’s society, and as a result, society struggles to find true leaders that people long for and need. C L spoke of the generation of parents and grandparents that reared him, “They wanted to make the world better for us in the sense that we could use the strength of our hands and the sweat of our brow to continue what they started… Grandpa never wanted to make it easy for me, but he wanted to make it available.” As mentors and leaders, it is critical that we remember this lesson.

The best advice C L ever received about leadership, from Dr. Jones, was, “You can’t lead anyone who is not following you.” It helped him understand that “a leader must be sure that he has conveyed the right message…and I must make sure that I haven’t lost any passengers along the way, along the track, on the train that we’re on.” Communicating the message so that everyone understands, is critical.

True leaders today, according to Mr. Bryant, “are longtime family men, dedicated teacher, and a dedicated pastor.” The key to building more leaders for tomorrow is not only by showing them what we have done, C L’s “method is to question them on what they want to do. So they can hear their own answers and determine within themselves if that’s the right answer.” He believes in asking questions and “leading them by helping them hear themselves and then teaching that method.” “And if you are going to be a good leader, you better be a good listener.”

If you would like to become a better leader or build better leaders in your company or community, please contact me through this blog or my web page at

To listen to C L Bryant’s show, go to

You can purchase his documentary, “Runaway Slave,” from him directly or online.


3 Steps To Create Influence from Tom Ziglar

“Leadership is a choice, it’s not positional, it happens wherever you are, it starts with the person in the mirror, and it’s a habit, it’s a process.” Tom Ziglar  recently shared his thoughts on Leadership with me. “Anybody who is capable of leading themselves is capable of being a leader of people.”

Tom was led, and mentored, by many people, both in person, and “virtual.” The obvious mentor was his father, the late Zig Ziglar who influenced over 250 million people in his lifetime. Zig and others such as Dave Ramsey, Seth Godin, and Rabbi Lapin, are all considered mentors by Tom, and he receives “…assurance in rough waters, confidence when decisions need to be made, balance…” and states “mentors  will lead with questions.”


Leaders must have a vision and be able to communicate it to others so they want to pursue it, too. “True leadership is dream alignment, …creating a way where they can achieve their own dreams by helping you achieve yours,” says Tom. This is how he is building Ziglar’s legacy and helping others build theirs. “Legacy is a transference of habit, and great leaders simply know habits that make them great leaders. So the way we create great leaders is we teach people the habits that they need to lead themselves and lead others.”  This is the thrust behind Tom’s life changing program, Live To Win.

“Influence and example” are two ways in which we lead. “The better our example is, the more positive influence we can have, and you have to do three things first before you can create the right influence and the right example:

1. “You have to have the right mental input, to have the right mindset.” Focus on the good, the clean, the pure, the powerful and the positive was what Zig Ziglar said. What are your inputs? You can’t sow corn and reap beans. You can’t sow garbage and reap personal growth and leadership. You must sow to reap, and you will reap more of what you sow, to your mind.

2. “You’ve got to have the right spiritual foundation. What are the non-negotiables?” What are your true core values, your purpose, mission and vision? “What does faith mean to you?” Are you building significance and legacy for your life?

3. Physical. “It’s either under-magnified or over magnified, “Tom says. Our health, how we take care of ourselves, our appearance and how we “walk in our life, because that either multiplies or divides our effectiveness.”

Tom concluded, “So when we do those three things, when we put the right things in our mind, …when we are developing the right qualities of success, have the right faith, and we have our physical world in place, …it maximizes the potential of our influence and our example.”

This is the first in an ongoing series of interviews with outstanding leaders from around the country, who are willing to take time to share their wisdom and experience, and help you and me become better leaders. You can subscribe to this blog and become the leader you are destined to be by inserting your name in the box on this page. Please share and comment if you think this can help others. Thanks.


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From Struggle to Success

From struggle to success, people overcome all odds. They survive when no hope is given. They come back from grief, illness, and brokenness to thrive beyond imagination.  It sounds great, but does it really happen?

The answer is YES, it happens everyday. Today, as I was in the office of Ziglar, Inc., a company founded by the legendary Zig Ziglar, I turned through page after page of incredible stories. These were stories of people who struggled, just like I have, and maybe, just like you have. These were stories of “failures” overcome, addictions defeated, hate turned to forgiveness. These were stories of people who faced overwhelming odds, and rose above the struggle, built stability, grew that into success and lived lives of significance.

Real stories by real people. Some were written by hand, some typed, all thankful for a seed that was sown in their lives that changed everything. Not one of them said that the road had been easy, but over and over they shared that when they finally saw the potential in themselves, something happened. When they learned that within themselves, beaten down and trampled by life’s circumstances, was a seed of POTENTIAL, life changed They began to realize that this small seed, over time, can produce acres of beautiful flowers, or could grow into a massive, towering tree to provide cooling comfort and food for themselves and others.

You have that seed. You have potential. You have greatness waiting to sprout from deep inside you. You were created that way. Recognize it, admit it, accept it, and start nurturing it, TODAY!

“You were born to be a winner. But before you can be the winner you were born to be, you have to plan to win, and prepare to win. Then, and only then, can you become the winner you were born to be.” – Zig Ziglar

Don’t Motivate an Idiot

If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around.”  – Jim Rohn


Jim also said if you motivate an idiot, all you end up with is a motivated idiot. Motivation has a place, but education is what we need. That is the first step.

If a person is broke, has no money saved and spends everything he gets, motivation will not change his life. He must be educated on why to manage his money, and how to manage it. When he has the information, then and only then can he make the choices that will change his life.

If you are going nowhere in your job, or worse yet, moving backward, you don’t need to be motivated to speed up that regressive plan. If you do that, you are headed for catastrophe! What you need is education. You need to learn how to turn around. You need to say, “Tell me how to get better at my job so I can be of more value, and then I can move ahead!”

Personal development is about learning and growing to be better. It adds depth and richness to life. Take a course, go to a workshop or seminar, or read a book. Change your life, starting today.

P.S. Ask about the Personal Development courses we offer. Or ask me for a recommendation for a book that can change your life. Reach out to me today. And please like and share this blog and our Facebook. Email me at [email protected]

Ancient Tenets of Leadership

Last time, I talked about truth being the test for truth. Truth exists across all time and cultures, so let’s look into the second letter to Timothy for some leadership truth.

Paul guides his young student to preach the Word, always be prepared, correct, rebuke and encourage. As a leader, this is great advice. Leaders should always share the vision for the organization, any time, any place with every person. The vision and mission should be tools to bring stragglers back to the path of growth and performance, while encouraging their success. It should be done with great patience and careful instruction. Holding one accountable, without clear expectations and direction, is cruel and ineffective.

Paul goes on, “Keep your head…endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties…” Challenge those you lead with these same tenets!

“Keep your head,” stay calm, think!

“Endure hardship,” because every one of us faces it in life; spiritually, financially, socially, and at work. Know it is coming, don’t be surprised, and push through. It only lasts a while.

“Do the work.” An evangelist spreads the message, a leader shares the vision, the purpose, the mission. Work, or labor, brings rewards.

“Discharge all the duties.” Do the work, be disciplined and obedient, finish the task, focus!

Paul says he fought the fight, finished the race, and kept the faith. He competed, he completed, then he “concreted” his reward by holding to the faith, the vision he pursued. Go do the same!



The Truth

“Sincerity is not a test of truth. Truth is the only test of truth.”  Jim Rohn produced this wise statement long ago and it hold true for today. Hitler and Stalin may have been sincere, but they did not stand for truth. Scripture tells us that in the end men will be “always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.”

Today, we hear reports of “fake news” and “alternative facts.” Do we really seek, and find, truth? How do we measure truth?

Truth lasts. Truth is not dependent on today’s culture or who is in office. The economy this year does not alter truth. Truth is accurate and as applicable today as it was 2000 years ago. Gravity is truth; apples still fall to the earth as they always have. Selflessness is truth. It is a highly regarded trait in any society, anywhere.

What other truths do you know? Truth about family, your job, your business, your life goals? Are you seeking truth or accepting what you hear? Do you test “truth” to see if it lasts across time and place?

Truth provides a firm foundation on which you can build a life, family, business… Truth provides light to guide you on the path to peace and joy. Jesus told us “I am the way and the truth and the life.” Are you seeking the truth?

Crazy Joy

“Today, I saw a man die.”


The text message was from my 21-year-old son who was literally on the other side of the world from me, in Vietnam. He then told about an accident where he saw a  motorcycle rider thrown from his bike, smashed his skull, and bled to death. Chris’ 10 months as a missionary to nearly a dozen countries had produced many interesting and nerve-racking messages home, but nothing as startling as this. The message then went on to relate a story he had just heard about a one and a half-year-old little girl having to watch her parents physically and verbally abuse each other. It was his goddaughter, and he was half a world away, unable to help at all. His message ended this way, “and somehow I still had a great day. I think that means I am crazy. Or have joy. Or both…”

How can someone have a good day after watching someone else die a violent death then hearing such a heartbreaking story of abuse between husband and wife, in front of an innocent child. It sounds crazy. The world, including our children, and even us, often ask “how can a loving God allow such tragedy, such pain?” How can we have joy in a world so full of strife? The answer is… HOPE. We have hope. We know that there is a God who sees beyond our temporary pain. There’s a God who allows us to have the free will to choose to follow Him, or go our own way, and He loves us enough to let us face the consequences of either decision. We have hope because we know He faced the battles of  life and won. “Be of good cheer.” He conquered torturous death on the cross and defeated it, then rose to life again. He offers us that new life; a life without pain or suffering or death. We have joy because we know our life may be painful, and will end, but our eternal life, if we choose him as Lord and Savior will be one of never ending joy. Knowing that gives us HOPE.  He is the source of our joy.


Check back here for the latest information, tips, and news about leadership, motivation and success.