Ancient Tenets of Leadership

Last time, I talked about truth being the test for truth. Truth exists across all time and cultures, so let’s look into the second letter to Timothy for some leadership truth.

Paul guides his young student to preach the Word, always be prepared, correct, rebuke and encourage. As a leader, this is great advice. Leaders should always share the vision for the organization, any time, any place with every person. The vision and mission should be tools to bring stragglers back to the path of growth and performance, while encouraging their success. It should be done with great patience and careful instruction. Holding one accountable, without clear expectations and direction, is cruel and ineffective.

Paul goes on, “Keep your head…endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties…” Challenge those you lead with these same tenets!

“Keep your head,” stay calm, think!

“Endure hardship,” because every one of us faces it in life; spiritually, financially, socially, and at work. Know it is coming, don’t be surprised, and push through. It only lasts a while.

“Do the work.” An evangelist spreads the message, a leader shares the vision, the purpose, the mission. Work, or labor, brings rewards.

“Discharge all the duties.” Do the work, be disciplined and obedient, finish the task, focus!

Paul says he fought the fight, finished the race, and kept the faith. He competed, he completed, then he “concreted” his reward by holding to the faith, the vision he pursued. Go do the same!