From Struggle to Success

From struggle to success, people overcome all odds. They survive when no hope is given. They come back from grief, illness, and brokenness to thrive beyond imagination.  It sounds great, but does it really happen?

The answer is YES, it happens everyday. Today, as I was in the office of Ziglar, Inc., a company founded by the legendary Zig Ziglar, I turned through page after page of incredible stories. These were stories of people who struggled, just like I have, and maybe, just like you have. These were stories of “failures” overcome, addictions defeated, hate turned to forgiveness. These were stories of people who faced overwhelming odds, and rose above the struggle, built stability, grew that into success and lived lives of significance.

Real stories by real people. Some were written by hand, some typed, all thankful for a seed that was sown in their lives that changed everything. Not one of them said that the road had been easy, but over and over they shared that when they finally saw the potential in themselves, something happened. When they learned that within themselves, beaten down and trampled by life’s circumstances, was a seed of POTENTIAL, life changed They began to realize that this small seed, over time, can produce acres of beautiful flowers, or could grow into a massive, towering tree to provide cooling comfort and food for themselves and others.

You have that seed. You have potential. You have greatness waiting to sprout from deep inside you. You were created that way. Recognize it, admit it, accept it, and start nurturing it, TODAY!

“You were born to be a winner. But before you can be the winner you were born to be, you have to plan to win, and prepare to win. Then, and only then, can you become the winner you were born to be.” – Zig Ziglar