Financial Success Secret

George Clason wrote this timeless classic in 1926 and it is as true and relevant today as it was 95 years ago. It might just as well be titled “The Secret to Being Wealthy!” Today there are countless “gurus” to follow, like Dave Ramsey, Robert Kiyosaki, Suze Ormond….and most are relatively sound. Whatever you choose to read, or whomever you follow, the important thing is to exercise discipline and follow the principles, consistently, over a long period of time.


You must learn to live on less than you make! No other way. Of course, if you make $7.50 per hour and have a family of three to support, this is very difficult. Supporting those same three on $80,000 is a lot easier. If you want to be wealthy, comfortable, or have financial peace, ever, you must find a way. If your $7.50 per hour doesn’t cover the bills, you have to lower your bills and/or increase your income. This may mean seeking a better job, a promotion, a raise, or getting a second job, or maybe a third. However you get there, you must put back at least 10%, (I suggest 15%) for your future. That may mean eating bologna for breakfast and beans and rice for dinner, for a while. There are methods you can follow to reduce your debt, then save and invest for your future. Choose one of the above, or ask me and I will help, but you must form a plan and stick to it.


Remember, any recipe will produce a better cake than no recipe at all. It is the same for your “PLAN” for your finances. You can find countless stories of building wealth from nothing. Some are fictional ones like in Clason’s book. Other stories are real like Oseola McCarty’s, a sixth grade drop-out who washed clothes for a living, and gave the University of Southern Mississippi a gift of $150,000. Grab a book, search the web, or email me for help. The secret is you must start your story today. Financial success is one decision away.